BMW R100RS 1977
Maintenance on your Bike / Onderhoud van je motor
Some information / Enige informatie
Troubleshooting your Bike / Storingen aan je motor
My own BMW R100RS / Mijn eigen BMW R100RS
References / Referenties
My own experiences. Wouter Barendsen of course owner of R100RS 1977 and Honda XR250R 1990
E.O. Keizer owner of K1100RS 1994 and R60/6 1974
J.J. Keizer owner of R100RS 1978 and R1100RS 1995
D. Belau owner of R100RS 1978 and R100RS 1981 (german translations)
P. Belli who mailed me corrections on my english translations, thanks!
Mike Cecchini and John Swift, CBX Club--Washinton D.C. USA who translated the buying checklist to english, thanks!
Syds Marra from Amsterdam owner of R100/7 1977 who gave me the cut-out drawings, thanks!
Petersen BMW Book
BMW 2-valve Twins, Service and Repair manual
Guestbook / Gastenboek
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Pages by W.P.Barendsen 1998-2007
For any comment, improvement, mistake, better translation, etc. please mail me !